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I want to lose weight, but I can't stop eating!


Losing weight is a central issue for most people. It often happens that people tend to stick to diets that promise quick results, without considering the importance of lifestyle changes. The only problem with these is that they cannot be kept in the long term, and they are also unhealthy. In order to achieve real results, we need conscious decisions that result in a sustainable lifestyle.

"If you are in a calorie deficit, when will you lose weight."

You've probably heard this before, but what does a calorie deficit actually mean? A calorie deficit practically means that you burn more calories than you take into your body. This can be achieved in two ways: by reducing the calories consumed or by increasing physical activity. This sounds simple enough, but many people struggle with it. 

This is how you count your daily calories!

The total daily energy consumption is determined by 4 components:


  1. Basal Metabolic Rate
  2. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis
  3. Thermic Effect of Food 
  4. Thermic Effect of Activity
Basal Metabolism is the calories used for basic life functions, such as breathing and blood circulation. (depends on body composition, gender, age, weight, height). It also works when you are doing nothing, for example when you are relaxing in front of the TV in the evening.
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis includes the calories you burn during the day during various activities other than exercise, sleep, and eating. This category includes, for example, walking, dog walking or shopping.
The thermic effect of the food refers to the calories that the body burns during the processing of the food. The human body also needs energy to break down and process food. Macronutrients - protein (20 - 35%), carbohydrates (5 - 15%) and fat (0 - 5%) - have different thermic effects. If you eat protein-rich foods, you increase the thermic effect of the food and the number of calories that the body takes care of during digestion.

Tips to avoid unnecessary calories

Eat lots of fiber!

Fiber speeds up digestion, creates a feeling of fullness and helps to reduce the accumulation of unnecessary substances in your body. Nutrients rich in fiber are vegetables, fruits, oats, bulgur, and millet. 

Avoid sugary soft drinks and drink an adequate amount of fluids!

Adequate hydration is essential for a healthy lifestyle and is also crucial for a successful diet. And if you're bored of water, add lemon, drink sugar-free tea or eat various vegetable smoothies and cream soups, which can also help you stay hydrated.

Stay in the kitchen more!

Avoid processed foods, cook for yourself with natural ingredients instead! Nowadays, all food can be prepared in an alternative way and you can find countless recipes for this on the Internet. And if you don't have time or desire to cook, try to eat healthy food!

Plan your meals at least a day in advance or pack them several days in advance!

Make it easy for yourself! If you prepare the food in advance and don't start cooking when you're already very hungry, you can avoid unnecessary calories that you consume while the lunch is being prepared.

Nassolj egészségesen!

If you only have a snack between two meals, try to make it healthier! For example, fruits dipped in dark chocolate or yogurt, vegetables dipped in hummus, or various vegetable chips. And if you want extra protein, throw together a protein shake, protein pancakes, or protein ice cream for a summer dessert! And for this, our Struve Pro protein powder is a great choice, since in addition to being gluten- and lactose-free, it is easier to break down and does not cause bloating.
+ 1 tip: Keep healthy ingredients at home and don't go shopping hungry!
In addition to a healthy lifestyle, daily exercise is of course also necessary for your weight loss to be effective. At Struve Fitness in the 13th district, you can train in an exclusive environment and professional personal trainers will help you achieve your sports goals.
These are just a few tips on how to reduce your calorie intake and how to eat healthier, but losing weight also involves exercising on a weekly basis. Effective weight loss is not just a goal, but a lifestyle change. If you decide that you want to continue on this path, our personal trainers can help you not only with training, but also with dietary advice.
And if you need motivation and useful advice, follow us on our social media pages!
