A sport és az átlag életkor közötti összefüggés | Struve FITNESS



How does sports affect our lives and how much does it increase average lifespan? 

The relationship between sports and a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly emphasized in improving health and quality of life. Regular physical activity not only affects muscle development and weight control but is also crucial for our overall health and lifespan.

The long-term effects of sports on quality of life

Scientific studies have shown that people who exercise regularly tend to have a longer lifespan and are less prone to various chronic diseases. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, reduces blood pressure, enhances blood circulation, aids in weight management, and strengthens the immune system.

The physiological effects of more intense physical activity influence nearly every organ and system in the body. Intensive muscle movement necessitates more efficient pumping of blood by the heart and improved oxygen uptake by the lungs. Consequently, this strengthens the heart muscle, lung capacity, and the ability of blood vessels to carry oxygen, benefiting overall bodily function.

Regular exercise not only aids in the prevention and postponement of chronic diseases but also influences the molecular and biological processes associated with aging. Our level of fitness plays a significant role in how effectively we can delay the signs of aging. With a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and sufficient rest, our lifespan can be extended by ten to twenty years. Those who engage in regular exercise are also more likely to pay closer attention to their dietary habits, becoming more mindful and motivated in all areas of life.

Immediate benefits of exercise:

In addition to the long-term benefits, the positive effects of exercise are often immediately noticeable. 
Reduces stress:
Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which improve mood and overall well-being. By dissipating excess energy, exercise can help achieve a sense of balance, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression.
Boosts self-confidence:
Regular exercise gradually increases performance and endurance, helping individuals overcome personal limitations. Additionally, it supports muscle development and contributes to weight loss, boosting self-esteem.
Improves sleep quality
Adequate daytime physical activity plays a crucial role in achieving better sleep quality and falling asleep more easily. Quality sleep is essential for the body and mind's regeneration, contributing to overall health and well-being.

How to choose the right workout?

Among the many forms of exercise, it's essential to choose the one that suits our goals. 
If fitness and good health are the goals, focusing on endurance (aerobic, dynamic) exercises is recommended. High-intensity interval (HIIT) training can yield excellent results, and metabolic effects continue after the exercise is completed.
If you want to increase muscle mass, then gym workouts, bodyweight exercises, or strength (static) training may be excellent choices.
If you want to change your lifestyle or need some guidance on exercise and nutrition but prefer not to work out with a personal trainer, there's still a solution! We've brought you the Struve Progress packages, where you'll find workouts in various topics, and if needed, you'll receive a personalized diet plan.
Remember, for sports to truly exert their long-term beneficial effects on our bodies, regularity and proper execution are essential. This is where the Struve Progress lifestyle program comes in handy, offering not only videos divided into muscle groups but also a personalized diet plan as a gift with the Fit package.
