"The Key to a Brilliant Mind"

Our fastest-aging organ is the brain; therefore, memory impairment is often among the first signs of aging. The brain and the nerve cells are particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of free radicals: in situations of oxidative stress, like mental stress, intense learning, or adverse environmental impact, the brain needs even more antioxidants than other organs to prevent consequences such as brain fog, difficulty focusing, memory loss, and the gradual onset of dementia. 

Plant antioxidants, including flavonoids, support our mental performance and enhance all four significant processes of memory: memorization, storage, recognition, and replay. In addition to increasing blood flow and blood supply to the brain, they help to create new neurons and reserve existing neurons in the hippocampus - the brain's memory storage area. Evidence is that high antioxidant intake leads to less memory impairment and a lower risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 

In flaMENTIS, we selected flavonoids and other active ingredients to support cognitive functions in multiple ways. They reinforce each other to protect cells from oxidative stress, increase cerebral blood flow, and reduce fatigue.


RIAVITA recommendations

Well-selected plant antioxidants can be particularly beneficial to:

  • Aid the cognitive functions of the brain, 
  • Support memory and focus, 
  • Support against brain fog, 
  • Learning support, 
  • Enhance brain circulation and support the integrity of cerebral blood vessels, 
  • Promote anxiety relief and better-quality sleep, 
  • Reduce the risk of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


Science behind our recipe

The Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi discovered the beneficial effect of flavonoids on the protection of the integrity of blood vessels – which could also improve cognitive functions through the health of cerebral blood vessels. 

According to a recent compre-hensive study, which tracked 921 participants, of whom 220 developed Alzheimer’s dementia, it was found that those with the highest intake of flavonols (a type of flavonoid) had a 48% lower risk of developing this disease. The authors strongly recommend incorporating green leaves, green tea, and citrus fruits into your diet to supplement the relevant flavonoids. 

NADH plays an important role in neurotransmission and learning and supports brain anti-aging.



Acerola fruit extract with Vitamin C, Guarana seed extract, Lion's Mane mushroom with 40% poly-saccharides, Mandarin fruit flavonoid extract, Pine bark extract, Cocoa powder, Green tea EGCG extract, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (flavone glycosides), Panax ginseng root extract (ginsenosides), Selenium, NADH, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Capsule shell: hypromellose (vegan). 


Packaging and dosage

90 capsules. Take 3 capsules daily after breakfast or lunch with plenty of water.